Friday, April 30, 2010

Filtered Background

Both of these pictures are examples of a filtered background. I really like the way each turned out and really make the main idea pop. The first picture with the car mirror has dark brush strokes for the background. I also made the lighting for the mirror a little bit lighter. For the second picture of the flowers, I used accented edges in the background to make it a lot lighter because it originally is a light brown.

Blur Overlay

These are my two picture for the blur overlay effect. To do this effect I put it as a gaussian blur and then set it as vivid color. To make the contrast not as dark, i changed it to a lighter opacity. I like the way the city one turned out much better.

Friday, April 23, 2010


My overall theme for the alphabet was nature. This project was pretty fun, but it was hard to find some of the letters. Looking at some of them at first, they aren't very noticeable, but once they are all on the contact sheet, they are much easier to see. I think i did pretty good, but I could have done a better job with some of them.


For my space picture I used an outdoor background. I added a bunch of different things I though fit in with it. Some of the things aren't very spaced well and sized wrong. The dolphin and the eagle could probably be smaller to make them look more realistic. Otherwise, I feel like I did okay on this assignment. My favorite part is the person standing on the rock. In my opinoin, it looks like it is originally with the background.