Friday, May 14, 2010


For this color picture, I used a neon open sign. Neon colors are usually used for business to attract customers and advertise. I blurred the background a little bit to draw attention to the open sign.

For my next color picture, I used a construction cone. The bright orange color is widely used to show construction is taking place and when people see it, they know there is construction going on. To edit this I blured the background to make the cone more bold and to draw the eye away from the black garbage can.

This is my first color picture. Blue usually represents a calm feeling or also depressed and alone. Those are the moods I am trying to show in this photo. I had the model wear a shirt to match the water to make the blue stand out more. Before I edited it, the picture was a little washed out so I changed the contrast and darkened it to look rainy outside to help give the sad mood.

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